Enriching Lives. Working side by side with children, family & communities

02 6361 4093

Inaugural Meeting of the Blayney Millthorpe Early Years Network
Posted April 28, 2015
ODEEP are very excited to announce that the Inaugural Meeting of the Blayney Millthorpe Early Years Network was held last week. It was a resounding success. ODEEP facilitated the coming together of representatives from childcare centres, preschools, family day care, health and local public schools. The group aims to identify areas of strength and areas of need within these communities so that families of children with disabilities or developmental delays can be supported. The group will meet regularly with the next meeting on 1st June 2015 at 4.00pm. For more information or to join the group please email admin@odeep.com.au or call Judy Dwyer on 6361 4093.

Wonderful donations put to very good use.
Posted April 27, 2015
ODEEP would like to thank the Banjo Business Awards and Studio Fitness for their support. Both have generously donated the proceeds from their respective events to ODEEP. We have used the funds to purchase the following standardised assessments.
The Mullins Scales of Early Learning assesses general development in areas including - Gross Motor, Visual Reception, Expressive Language and Receptive Language.
Preschool Language Scales 5th Edition (PLSS) is a comprehensive developmental language assessment, providing reliable and trusted information about language skills for children up to 7 years 11months.
The Senosory Profile 2 is a family of assessments providing standardised tools to helep evaluate a child's sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school and community-based activities.

Meet our new board.
Posted October 22, 2014
Meet our 2014/2015 Board of Management elected at last night's AGM!!
Rosalie Neville (President), Sue Moffatt (Vice President), Susanne Woods (Treasurer) and Jane Luscombe (Secretary). General Committee members are Peter Roan and Glenda Bell.
Sadly, after more than 10 years of service each, both Andrew Gartrell and Viv Good have resigned from the board. We thank them for their many years of dedication and commitment.
An amazing cheque!
Posted August 15, 2014
This morning ODEEP staff attended a very special breakfast meeting with the Orange Daybreak Rotary Club. Stuart Smith presented Robyn Brice and Glenda Bell with a cheque for $80,000 which was raised at this years ball. The funds will be used for ongoing speech and language programs.

Thank you video from 2014 NAB Daybreak Rotary Ball
Posted June 5, 2014
Thank you to all the people that organised, supported, donated to and attended the 2014 NAB Daybreak Rotary Ball. ODEEP are the benefactors of all funds raised. The staff and families of ODEEP are incredibly appreciative.