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Contact us

Orange District Early Education Program Inc.
Please see below for links to forms to use to refer to your child to ODEEP or to join the Parents as Teachers (PATS) or Pinnacle Preschool waitlist.



2 Yarrawong Place, Orange NSW 2800


Postal Address

PO BOX 644, Orange NSW 2800



02 6361 4093



02 6369 1101




Centre Operation

Orange and District Early Education Program operates from Monday to Thursday, 8.30am – 5.00pm and 8.30am - 3.00pm Friday, for 50 weeks of the year.
The centre closes for a two-week period over Christmas/New Year.


Visit us


​Yarrawong Place runs off Seiben Drive. ODEEP is situated behind the Yarrawong Childrens Centre. Enter the driveway next to Yarrawong and parking is available on site.

ODEEP Referrals - please use our ODEEP Waiting List Request Form here.

Parents as Teachers Waitlist - please use our Parents as Teachers Waitlist Form here.  

Pinnacle Preschool Waitlist -  please use our Pinnacle Preschool Waitlist From here.

For general enquiries please use the form below:


Your details were sent successfully! Someone from ODEEP will contact you very soon.

ODEEP is registered with the Translation and Interpreting Service as an NDIS service provider. This service is free for any NDIS client needed translation services. Please contact us for more information.

Orange District Early Education Program is on Wiradjuri Country. We would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land we live and work on and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.


Call us: 02 6361 4093

Email us:

Registered Charity Logo

© 2014 by ODEEP

Early Diagnosis Support, Orange NSW

Early intervention, Orange NSW

Registered NDIS Provider

Registered with ACNC

Dietitian, Orange NSW

Registered NDIS Provider, Orange NSW

Disability Support Services, Orange NSW

Speech Pathology, Orange NSW

Family Support, Orange NSW

SOS Feeding Therapy, Orange NSW

Occupational Therapy, Orange NSW

Physiotherapy, Orange NSW

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