Enriching Lives. Working side by side with children, family & communities

02 6361 4093

Contact us
Orange District Early Education Program Inc.
Please see below for links to forms to use to refer to your child to ODEEP or to join the Parents as Teachers (PATS) or Pinnacle Preschool waitlist.
2 Yarrawong Place, Orange NSW 2800
Postal Address
PO BOX 644, Orange NSW 2800
02 6361 4093
02 6369 1101
Centre Operation
Orange and District Early Education Program operates from Monday to Thursday, 8.30am – 5.00pm and 8.30am - 3.00pm Friday, for 50 weeks of the year.
The centre closes for a two-week period over Christmas/New Year.
Visit us
Yarrawong Place runs off Seiben Drive. ODEEP is situated behind the Yarrawong Childrens Centre. Enter the driveway next to Yarrawong and parking is available on site.
ODEEP Referrals - please use our ODEEP Waiting List Request Form here.
Parents as Teachers Waitlist - please use our Parents as Teachers Waitlist Form here.
Pinnacle Preschool Waitlist - please use our Pinnacle Preschool Waitlist From here.
For general enquiries please use the form below: